Creating links between documents

Use the Property inspector to link another document to selected text or a selected image.

To create links between documents:

1 Select text or an image.
2 In the Property inspector, type a path in the Link box or click the folder to choose a file. To enter an absolute path, type the full URL.
Do not enter high ASCII characters in a path.
3 In the Select HTML File dialog box, use the Relative To option to choose the type of path.
See About relative and absolute paths.
4 To make the linked document appear somewhere other than in the current window or frame, click the expander arrow in the Property inspector and choose a frame name from the Target option, or choose from the following reserved targets:
_blank loads the linked document in a new, unnamed browser window.
_parent loads the linked document in the parent frameset or window of the frame in which the link is contained. If the frame containing the link is not nested, then the linked document loads into the full browser window.
_self loads the linked document in the same frame or window as the link. This target is implied, so you usually don't have to specify it.
_top loads the linked document in the full browser window, thereby removing all frames.

Links are not active in the Document window. Choose File > Preview in Browser to check links.